Volunteers to be isolated for 520 days on simulated Mars mission The Montreal Gazette

Four Europeans vying to become guinea pigs for a 520-day simulated mission to Mars say they are proud to be putting their lives on hold for the sake of scientific advancement.
“I want to help humanity take a step forward by improving our level of knowledge,” Belgian candidate Jerome Clevers, 28. said at the European Space Agency’s (ESA) Dutch offices where he and his colleagues were introduced to the media.
Diego Urbina, 26, of Italy added: “When the first humans step on Mars, I can say, ‘Yeah, I helped do that.’ And then we get to use cool space suits, which is also nice!”
Two of the four, who also include Romain Charles, 30, and Arc’hanmael Gaillard, 34, both of France, will take part in a biomedical experiment starting this summer with three Russians and a Chinese participant in what the ESA has termed “second to none as the ultimate test of human endurance”

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