December 28th, 2001

From Texas to Mars, IBM Supercomputer to Power Research IBM

IBM today announced that it will provide the University of Texas at Austin (UT) with powerful new supercomputing systems for scientific research into areas as diverse as manned space flight to Mars and next-generation Internet “Grid” computing applications. The POWER 4-based UNIX systems will help the university’s Center for Space Research (CSR) prepare the United States for an eventual manned landing on Mars. Scientists at the CSR’s Navigation and Control Lab will use the supercomputer to improve the precision of interplanetary navigation, terminal descent and landing on Mars, and modeling of the Martian environment. CSR will use the system to handle the monster number-crunching assignments that are crucial to developing a wide range of techniques needed to extend mankind’s ability to guide, navigate, and control spacecraft on both planetary and interplanetary missions.

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