This short documentary explores the true story of five Americans who are competing to become the first humans to travel to Mars. The mission, called Mars One, is set for 2024. The Dutch nonprofit believes they can make it to the Red Planet but there’s just one problem—there will be no coming back. The film comes from director Skylar Nielsen and Vita Brevis Films.
Would You Take a One-Way Ticket to Mars? The Atlantic
Mars, Our First Outpost on the Final Frontier The Atlantic
Eric Anderson: In the next generation or two—say the next 30 to 60 years—there will be an irreversible human migration to a permanent space colony. Some people will tell you that this new colony will be on the moon, or an asteroid. In my opinion asteroids are a great place to go, but mostly for mining. I think the location is likely to be Mars. This Mars colony will start off with a few thousand people, and then it may grow over 100 years to a few million people, but it will be there permanently. That should be really exciting, to be alive during that stage of humanity’s history.
The Mars Desert Research Station The Atlantic
In the vast open spaces of southern Utah, Reuters photographer Jim Urquhart recently paid a visit to the Mars Desert Research Station (MDRS). Built and operated by a space advocacy group called the Mars Society, the research facility is investigating the feasibility of human exploration of Mars, using the Utah desert’s Mars-like terrain to simulate working conditions on the red planet. Since 2000, more than 100 small crews have served two-week rotations in the MDRS, conducting research in an on-site greenhouse, observatory, engineering area, and living space. Urquhart was able to accompany members of the Crew 125 EuroMoonMars B mission inside the MDRS facility, and on a simulated trip to collect Martian geological samples.
The Fashion Line Inspired by … Mars The Atlantic
Nanette Lepore, the designer best known for frilly and ruffly and otherwise dreamy outfits, debuted her Fall 2013 collection at New York Fashion Week this morning. The theme? Mars. Not space, mind you, but Mars. “Moody tones and spacey surfaces define Nanette’s fall collection as she explores the contours of Mars,” the designer’s Tumblr explained. (Earlier: “Nanette’s fall fashion show inspiration is out of this world. Honey, let’s go to Mars.”)
Um, What’s That Bright, Shiny Thing Curiosity Just Found on Mars? The Atlantic
A close-up of the small pit created when the Curiosity rover collected its second scoop of Martian soil. The bright particle near the center — which resembled similar ones elsewhere in the pit — were determined to be native Martian material rather than, as was first thought, spacecraft debris. Curiosity’s on-board analytic instruments will use X-rays to determine the composition of the mystery material.