Two sisters, 11 and 13, have built a Mars rover in a workshop in their family’s garage.
Camille and Genevieve Beatty have also been invited to the New York Hall of Science to show off their rover as part of a special exhibit on astronomy. The rover will roam around a mini-Martian landscape and analyze rocks with hidden heat lamps embedded inside.
Check out the Mars rover these two girls built in their garage VentureBeat
NASA proves 3D printing is headed to the stars VentureBeat
3D-printed space technology is no longer science fiction, as NASA and other space companies are making it a reality.
Engineers and researchers at the Ames Research Center are already working with 3D printing technology to make it applicable for use in both space travel and the study of our universe, according to a recent CNET report.
Earlier this year, MakerBot, one of the foremost producers of 3D printers, confirmed that NASA engineers were using the technology to build parts for models, including the Mars Rover Curiosity. NASA is now the company’s biggest customer, the company told Forbes.
Wired’s iPad app debuts: Five bucks, 527 megabytes, a Mars fly-by VentureBeat
Wired magazine’s iPad app isn’t just the magazine shoved into an e-reader. It has an interactive touchscreen-controlled fly-by of the planet Mars with text pop-outs that tell the story of every craft that’s landed somewhere on the Martian globe. It has videos. It has rich-media ads that aren’t corny. It eats half a gigabyte of memory.