H.G. Wells’ The War Of The Worlds Descends On Australia, Japan And More Pendragon Pictures

As Tom Cruise’s WAR OF THE WORLDS exits the theaters, the only true movie adaptation of the H.G. Wells classic novel, produced by Pendragon Pictures, continues enjoying strong DVD sales in the U.S. and Canada. Now, Pendragon Pictures announces the international release of the Director’s Cut of H.G. WELLS’ THE WAR OF THE WORLDS. The never-before-seen Director’s Cut features new enhanced special effects, new scenes and faster pacing. Director Timothy Hines comments, “I had the opportunity to re-cut the film for the foreign release and subsequent U.S. distribution and I’m proud of the end result. Virtually every scene in the film has been reconceived and retimed from the original Summer release. It plays remarkably better.

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