March 7th, 2004

Twin Mars Rovers Prepare to Search for More Signs of Ancient Water Voice of America

The Mars twin rovers are preparing to search for more evidence of water on the Red Planet. Last week, scientists announced Opportunity had found geological signs of great amounts of water, an ingredient necessary to sustain life as we know it.
The rovers Spirit and Opportunity positioned themselves at new sites to look for additional evidence that water once flowed on ancient Mars.

March 7th, 2004

Looking for … something … on Mars The Morning Call

So, just how curious are we? And, is curiosity enough?
Those are the questions posed by the announcement by NASA last week that the Mars rover Opportunity discovered evidence that parts of the planet once were covered by water. The news set in motion in the minds of many all those artist and movie portrayals of a prehistoric Earth. By means that are less than fully understood, scientists believe that this planet’s life originated in ancient oceans, evolved and made its way to land. We see the results everywhere.

March 7th, 2004

NASA deluged by civilians’ Mars “discoveries” The Philadelphia Inquirer

Forget about ancient traces of water on Mars. There’s a little white bunny up there.
And stone tools.
And dinosaur fossils.
Plants, art, even letters of the alphabet.

March 7th, 2004

Editorial: Life lessons from Mars The Japan Times

In all the excitement over the NASA Mars rovers’ various landings, photo shoots, malfunctions, recoveries and excursions, another aspect of their mission has been neglected: what could be called their teaching, as opposed to their learning, mission. As Spirit and Opportunity keep fit and busy on the Red Planet, the two cute, smart, pliant robotic explorers are giving us humans daily lessons in how we should live.

March 7th, 2004

Rovers Roll Toward New Sites on Mars AP

The Mars rovers moved toward new rocks to drill on Saturday, a day after the Spirit rover found geological evidence that the dusty Red Planet had a wet past. The Opportunity rover prepared for another drilling job as Spirit

March 6th, 2004

NASA Gets the Picture About Water on Mars (Audio) npr

The two rovers on Mars continue their pursuit of evidence that water once flowed on the Red Planet.
Earlier this week, scientists working on the rover called Opportunity said the rocks an soil at Opportunity’s landing site did shown signs of having been shaped by flowing water. Numerous images from Mars, promptly available to the general public, are proving to be a popular draw for Web users.

March 6th, 2004

Martian Moon Captured Crossing the Sun by Opportunity Rover

Opportunity Mars rover used its Panoramic Camera to watch the rare solar crossing of the Sun by the martian moon Deimos Thursday.
The rare solar transit of the martian moon occurs only twice per Mars year (one Mars year equals roughly two Earth years).

March 5th, 2004

Take That Opportunity: Spirit Rover Finds Own Water To Play In

NASA scientists say their Spirit rover has found more evidence that water once existed on Mars, following close behind the announcement that its twin, Opportunity, sits in a region that was soaked by water in the distant past.

March 5th, 2004

Another Mars Rover Finds Evidence of Water AP

NASA’s Spirit rover has found evidence of past water activity in a volcanic rock on the other side of Mars from where its twin, Opportunity, discovered signs that ground there had once been drenched.

March 5th, 2004

NASA Rover Photographs Mars Solar Eclipse AP

The NASA rover Opportunity turned a camera skyward to photograph Mars’ moon Deimos eclipsing the sun and also carried out the most complex movements yet of its robotic arm, Jet Propulsion Laboratory said Thursday.

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