Air Force Colonel Eileen Collins, the first woman to command a Space Shuttle mission and recently announced as the commander of STS-114 will speak Saturday, August 25th at the Mars Society Convention at Stanford University. Collins has flown on three Space Shuttle missions, including commanding the 1999 mission to deploy the Chandra X-Ray Observatory. She was also the first woman pilot of the initial Shuttle mission to Mir in 1995. Collins has a BA in math and economics from Syracuse, a masters in operations research from Stanford, and a masters in space systems management from Webster University. She became a NASA astronaut in 1991 and has logged over 537 hours in space. Her many hobbies include running, golf, camping, reading, photography and astronomy. As well as being a new member of the Mars Society, she belongs to the U.S. Space Foundation, the AIAA, the Air Force Association, Order of Daedalians, Women Military Aviators, and the Ninety-Nines. She has earned many special honors and has logged over 5,000 hours in 30 different types of aircraft.